Another kind act of love was shown by a young women in our Ward, as she had a baked food sale for her Young Women's project. She and class members spent many hours in preparing, baking and selling foods, as she raised a generous amount of money to help Britten with his therapy's.
We are so deeply touched by the gifts of love that we have felt, that others have given of themselves to bless our life. No greater present could be recieved than that of love.
As Britten finished speech therapy this week, I was so excited for the great progress he is making. My heart fluttered with gratitude as the therapist started to share her feelings with me about Britten, She said,
"As one of Britten's therapists, I have been so thrilled and excited with his motivation and eagerness to learn. He is such a hard worker and is so involved in his therapy. He wants to be challenged and it is so wonderful to have a client who is so invested in his treatment and is willing to work hard at every session. He even lets me know if I am not challenging him enough, or if I jump in to help him too soon (and I appreciate that.)
I told him that I have never had a client (in 20 years) that worked as hard as he does, or is as motivated as he is. I have also never had a client who made documentable progress at every single therapy visit.
It is so fun and rewarding to work with him."
Our Labor Day weekend was great as we enjoyed spending time with family. Britten was thrilled to be on a jet ski with his brother (one of his favorite past times) for the first time in two years. It was exciting to watch Britt play football with the guys as he was the quarterback for his team. Britten's balance continues to improve each week with physical therapy, as we watched him play volleyball.
We couldn't help cheering when he jumped up and block Canon's Spike! I continued to be amazed while being grateful, for how well he does with such little site! My Father says, "someone is helping him see."

Two weeks ago, August 22, 2012, I took Britten into the Ear, Nose Throat Doctor for a check up dealing with his Vertigo and being so nauseous. The Doctor decided to do an Audio Test on Britten to see where he was at. The Doctor had the reports that were done at the U of U on June 21, just 2 months earlier that showed he had a 30-35% hearing loss in his left ear. They said that surgery could be done to possibly correct this problem.
The Audiologist performed the test and said, "His hearing is normal." I looked at him with a puzzled look and said, "No, he was just tested 2 months ago and he has hearing loss." He said, "Well, it's normal now." Again, my heart started to flutter as tears welled up in my eyes.
The ENT (who knows Britt) came in and said, "I don't know why I am surprised. Why should I expect anything else." I left the Doctor's office and sat in the waiting room for minute. I had a hard time trying to control my emotions as we continue to to see the Lords merciful hand in Britten's recovery

It is amazing to us see Britten's progress. It is also amazing to us that so many wonderful people are keeping Britten and our family in their thoughts and prayers. We feel so blessed as a family to be witnesses of the continued blessings and love from our Father in Heaven and his son Jesus Christ. It is a humbling experience to witness and be involved in. We love you all for all the love that has been shown to us. We love our Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ and know all good things come from him.

Two weeks ago, August 22, 2012, I took Britten into the Ear, Nose Throat Doctor for a check up dealing with his Vertigo and being so nauseous. The Doctor decided to do an Audio Test on Britten to see where he was at. The Doctor had the reports that were done at the U of U on June 21, just 2 months earlier that showed he had a 30-35% hearing loss in his left ear. They said that surgery could be done to possibly correct this problem.
The Audiologist performed the test and said, "His hearing is normal." I looked at him with a puzzled look and said, "No, he was just tested 2 months ago and he has hearing loss." He said, "Well, it's normal now." Again, my heart started to flutter as tears welled up in my eyes.
The ENT (who knows Britt) came in and said, "I don't know why I am surprised. Why should I expect anything else." I left the Doctor's office and sat in the waiting room for minute. I had a hard time trying to control my emotions as we continue to to see the Lords merciful hand in Britten's recovery
It is amazing to us see Britten's progress. It is also amazing to us that so many wonderful people are keeping Britten and our family in their thoughts and prayers. We feel so blessed as a family to be witnesses of the continued blessings and love from our Father in Heaven and his son Jesus Christ. It is a humbling experience to witness and be involved in. We love you all for all the love that has been shown to us. We love our Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ and know all good things come from him.