We visited with him for 2 or 3 minutes, took pictures with him, then he said, "I better get going, this is my first 5K ever!" We didn't see him the rest of the day. It was if he was an "angel" that came and touched our hearts, then was gone. Brother Harding, you will always have a special place in our hearts...especially Britten's!

So many individuals touched our lives that day. People from all walks of life that gave up a beautiful Saturday morning to show love and support to our family. We are truly thankful for your sacrifice, generosity, friendship and love!
We love each and every one of you!
Saturday morning when I walked from the parking lot across the grass, I was overcome by the sight of all the people that were there for Britten's Run, and it was hard to control my emotions. Everything was so well organized and well prepared. I had the very strong feeling that the Hand of the Lord was in attendance that day. At the start of every committee meeting we would say a prayer and thank Heavenly Father for the opportunity that we had to perform a service for the Schenk family, and please help us to be able to put it all together. And help us He did indeed. SO MANY people were willing to help and spent countless hours to make it a huge success. We will never be able to repay everyone for their help and generosity. Blessings will come to those that were so kind.
co/chairman - Val and Janice Andreasen (Britten's grandparents)

An example of persistence, courage and optimism, this young man is the very definition of a hero to me. Only something this noble and worthwhile could have motivated me to come all the way from Washington, DC to run in my first 5k ever.
Kerry Harding-
Of all of the the things I've done in my life, participating in this event was
definitely one of the Top 5. The excitement, the energy, the love -- it was all
just electric. I've been photographed with many famous people through the years
but the one with Britten, framed along with my event tshirt and race number,
will take an honored place on the wall over my desk. Thank you for the honor of
being part of this day.
Kerry Harding-
I always have tears come to my eyes when I read your blog! Aren't we all so blessed!
ReplyDeleteWow what a great post! So many wonderful people! It was fun to be a part of something so terrific!