Another great thing about summertime are the Family Reunions!
We all enjoyed being together, but Britten thoroughly enjoyed seeing a lot of family for the 1st time in 2 years. Spending time with cousins his age that recently returned from missions and some that are leaving in the very near future. It was a very sweet reunion for them!
Britt was thrilled to play volleyball with his cousins, and still has his wicked serve!
We are amazed at Britten's desire and determination to include himself in activities that would be very difficult with limited eye sight. You would never know his vision is only coming from 1/4 of one eye. He just wants to do everything he used to do. And the best part is.... He Does.
Britt enjoyed a visit with his Cool "special" Uncle, that he loves so much!
The best things in life are the people we Love...
the Places we've been.....and the Memories we've made along the way.
Britten was so excited, as fifteen 4-wheelers headed for the Top of Baldy. This has been an annual trip for our family, as Britten and his Dad lead the way.
Britten has a group of friends that did so many fun things together in High School, including playing basketball. They called themselves "the Cyclones." As all of these young men left to serve the Lord, their Mothers stayed in close contact, getting together every month to share their sons emails and experiences as each month passed.

What a great love we have for these young men and their amazing families. This week we enjoyed our annual summer cookout, as they have all returned home from their missions around the world. Britten absolutely beams with joy as he spends time with his many awesome friends and extended family.
Elder Schenk's expected date to return home from his mission was aproximately June 28th. He would have reported to our Stake High Council probably on July 10th. We marveled at the realization that, that actually occured, the same day as if his accident hadn't happened. The spirit was so sweet and strong as 2 other wonderful Elders shared their experiences and testimonies. Britten also gave a wonderful report as Mom and Dad, his siblings and Grandparents listened. His spirit was sweet and pure as he told a couple of his experiences. He testified of the greatness of missionary work and how grateful he was that he could serve a mission. He loves his Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ so much and he loves to testify of his love for them and of their love for him. He also told of one of his "friends" from Brazil that is now serving a mission. This is the same friend that sat at Britten's bedside day and night the first days after the accident til we could get there. He also talked about another "friend" from Brazil that is preparing to serve. Tears filled many eyes as the Stake President testified of the "Miracles that we have all witnessed"...."God is in charge."
We will always be so grateful to Our Heavenly Father and Our Savior Jesus Christ for their love, mercy and watchful care as they answer all of our prayers and your prayers. We marvel at the support and help that we as a family have recieved from all of you. It is humbling to us to feel of your love. Britten truly has so many friends! It is overwhelming to see so many who love and care for him. Many have put in so much time and effort into making "Britten's Run" a success! We are so thankful. They have asked that we again include the link to the run information.
All our love, Steven, Karla & Britten
Meus olhos enchem de lágrimas, mas lágrimas de alegria, porque mesmo distante posso presenciar milagres na vida desse jovem, e podemos sentir a mão do Senhor em cada progresso. É lindo poder ver essas fotos e seu belo sorriso. Abraços à família Schenk e saibam que vocês são especiais e exemplo.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful week!! I wish I had known you were in Idaho Falls! I was there to see the fireworks, too! It would have made me SO happy to see you! I am so glad that Britten has such a drive to do all the things he wants to do- that is so admirable! Keep it up, Britten! You are such an incredible young man! Love to you all!
As I was cleaning out our home office I came across a Deseret News article dated March 26, 2012. It was about Elder Schenk having a "good, quiet day". I don't know why the article was kept, but I immediately googled "Britten Schenk" and came upon your blog. I want to thank you, Elder Schenk and family, for allowing me to read your words and experiences. Since my son is on a mission in Taiwan, missionaries are near and dear to my heart. Your courage and testimony has bolstered mine! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for blessing my life.
ReplyDeleteI wish you all the best the world has to offer!
Colleen Luck