HELLO EVERYONE!!! This is Britten!

On April11, I went to the SLC airport to see my cousin, Elder Tyler Condie, when he just got back off his mission from Texas. It was so amazing to give him a huge hug and talk with him. I was so happy because I saw how it would have been if I just got back off my mission. We went to eat after that and him and I talk about so many fun, amazing and spiritual things that happened in our mission.
After I was with him and his family, then my family and I went to a hotel close to the SLC temple.

Then that night, I saw my Mission President Moreira and Sister Moreira. I was soooo excited to see them! It was amazing to see them again, since the last time I remember that I saw them was a day or two before I got hit. I gave Pres. Moreira a hug, and the first time I saw him I talked in Portuguese. I gave sister Moreira a giant hug too, and that was the first hug that I was able to give her. While I was with them, I felt the spirit so strong, and I felt the love that they have for me. I'm so thankful that they were like an awesome teacher, parent and friend.
That night, I met one of the 70's, from Brazil. He told me that his wife went to the same hospital that I was in Salt Lake. And he said that one of the times when he went there, he went to my room and gave me a blessing. He is an amazing man, and I'm so blessed for all those that have gave me blessings.

Then the next morning, I was with Pres. and Sister Moreira's kids, Diogo and Ruth. It was fun taking them and showing them church history sites, like "This is the Place Monument".

While we were there we ran into a family from Brazil that knew Ruth and Diogo. I recognized him and asked him if he was from Penha, Brazil? (He was over institute there). He said, Yes, are you Britten Schenk? I said, Yah!
He said, "Your Mission Pres. asked me to have all the institute teacher ask all the students in Brazil to pray and fast for you." He said, "I'm so glad that you are doing so good. I know it is because all the prayers to Heavenly Father. That was amazing that so many people would pray for me.

That night I went to Provo, for a Mission Reunion! I drove with Elder and Sister Moreira and my mom. We talked about so many spiritual thoughts, that were so delighted. When we got there, I saw and talked to so many people that I knew that were on my mission. It was so much fun to talk with all of them about funny and spiritual things that was through our mission. I felt that I was back on my mission with all of the missionaries and my Pres. and Sister Moreira.
I loved so many of them, excpecially my dad (Taylor Fox), and a lot of those that were in my district or zone areas that I was with.

Like Junior Toala, McKay Meyer, Karen Ogden, Jesi Sommers, Steve Clark and many more. We were all so cheerful and it felt like we were back on our mission haha!
All of us feel so blessed for all we did and for all the many people that we helped. We all LOVED our mission. I'm so glad that I have so many good friends.
I'm SO thankful for all of those that prayed and fasted for me. I honestly dont think any one can comprehend how thankful I am for each and everyone of you. I know that this is the biggest reason why I am doing so well. I know Heavenly Father has a plan for me, and I hope I can help other people the way you have all helped me. Thank you!
Love, Britt :)
Hi Britten, this is Michelle Merrill. Remember me? I just wanted to say that it is so wonderful to read your post and see how you are doing. You have made incredible progress! I am so impressed by your humility, faith, and strength. It was such a great blessing for me to be able to work with you. You taught me about being strong and patient through trials and trusting in Heavenly Father's plan for us. Thanks for your example!
ReplyDeleteDear Britten:
ReplyDeleteI love reading this post! I'm so glad that you were able to visit with your mission president and his wife and to meet with all of your missionary friends at your reunion. What a great time! Reading your words of faith, strength, and gratitude is inspirational to me. You are truly a very special son of our Heavenly Father. Love you!
Britten, you continue to amaze me with your great attitude and the progress you are making. Gpa and I are so very proud of you and how hard you are working and everything you are accomplishing. We continue to pray daily that your eyesight will improve, that would make life so much easier for you. Keep having your "happy days", you make the rest of us happy when we know you are. Love you so much. XOXO Gma Schenk
ReplyDeleteBritt you are amazing!! I didn't know that you had posted! I cant believe how far you have come and how much you improve every day! Logan and the girls and I all love you SO much!! We are so proud of you Britt and we love every chance that we get to spend time with you. Thanks for being such a great brother to Logan and I and for being such a great uncle to my girls! Xoxo
ReplyDeleteSo fun you are updating us all now. I have loved this blog and check it often for updates. It was so fun to come to the fireside the other night. You are truly remarkable and I am so proud to be your cousin. Your talk and testimony strengthened my own and I am amazed by your positive attitude. Keep up the good work and know that we are still praying for you. Love you.
What a great post! We are always so excited to hear about great experiences you are having! We were so happy that you were able to be at the airport with us to welcome Tyler home from his mission. It meant so much to all of us to have you there, and Tyler was So Excited! It sounds like you had an amazing time with Pres & Sis Moreira and their family, and many people you knew in Brazil! Thanks to all of you for your inspiring talks at the fireside! Every time we hear you speak we are strengthened by your faith and testimony. We love you, Tom, Sheri, Beckah, Tyler, Kristen, Kelsee, and Kylee
ReplyDeleteWe love you!! Looks like lots of wonderful & uplifting things are happening!!! We're rooting for you!!
ReplyDeleteBritten, it's so good to hear from YOU! I'm happy to hear you were able to have such a good reunion with your mission president and all of the missionaries you served with. You are truly blessed from on high! Aren't we all? Especially you and me! We have life, our families, Our Savior and His Gospel! We love you and I still pray for you every night!
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ReplyDeleteBritten, today I was thinking about you and your journey so I decided to come back to see if your blog was updated. It is so AMAZING how good your are doing. I am so glad to see you you and read all this news. You are a GREAT example to everyone. I am brazilian so... vamos praticar nosso Portugues :) Adorei ver vc com o Pres. Moreira, ele foi bispo de uma das alas que eu frequentei em Portugal (São João da Madeira). Você não poderia ter tido um presidente de missão melhor que ele. Que maravilha ver seu progresso e muito obrigada por compartilhar sua história! Esse evangelho é mesmo maravilhoso e graças a pessoas como você (que acreditam nessa obra maravilhosa de ser missionário de tempo integral, de ter coragem de ir onde for chamado, aprender outro idioma e correr risco para ensinar a palavra do Nosso Salvador), que meu esposo hoje é parte desta grande e eterna obra. Obrigada por me dar a oportunidade de dizer isso a você e bola pra frente!!! See you one day... Continuemos orando uns pelos outros! #faith #sooooooohappy :)