Britten felt at home as he was able to understand and speak most of the portuguese language. -When Britten was on his mission his portuguese was so fluent, that he was often mistaken for being Brazilian! After the accident he lost all his English and Poruguese and has spent the past 2 1/2 years relearning. So to return to Brazil and communicate so well in Portuguese, was thrilling to Britt!
Steven could understand most of the portuguese language because it is so similiar to Spanish, which he learned while serving his mission in Chile. But I didn't understand anything other than to say Hola, Oi, Chao, and Obrigada. I enjoyed the meetings and the spirit that was there, even though I understood very little. A return sister missionary handed me her phone and turned to the lesson in Relief Society, so I was able to read along and what a beautiful lesson it was!
When the music started it was wonderful to be able to sing and participate. No matter what nationality we are or what language we speak, the familiarity of the church hymns brings us all together!
Regina is a beautiful, quiet and humble women. Britten had told me that as soon as Regina was baptized that she became very invovled in the Ward. She would volunteer to help where-ever help was needed and was always so willing to do, whatever the Relief Society asked of her. So, Britten was so thrilled to see that Regina was still active in the church.
She prepared a wonderful meal for us and Icaro, then she and Britten had a good visit.
particulary loved Grandpa Steve!
Icaru took us back to Felipe's home, where Britten and I had a rest. Steven and Icaru enjoyed each others company as they shared many stories and had many good laughs! Celina, Icaru's wife joined us after she got off work.
Iza prepared another big, wonderful meal for us. The saying...#rollmeoutthedoor became a joke after every meal.
Laughter filled the room for hours as we shared stories. We had a hard time ending the evening at midnight, but We needed to get some rest. Icaro and Celina offered to take us to our hotel, even though it would add a extra hour of travel for him.
We are so grateful for our new Brazilian friends, and the wonderful memories we have made!
Thank you Iza, Felipe, Lohony....Icaro, Celina and Claria
So glad that you were able to have that experience and Brit was able to get reacquainted with so many people who love him. Can't wait to hear all about it:)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the "outgoing, fun, energic young man", hahaha. It was a HUGE pleasure driving you guys around to all your appointments. That was absolutely nothing... I wish I could have done much much more. I'm pretty sure Clara has loved each one of the Schenk's family member in the same way, hahaha... She just felt more comfortable throwing up on grandpa's lap (we are sorry that happened =[ )
ReplyDeleteWe love you too !
So happy to hear Britten's Portugese language was so strong! Another blessing!