Felipe picked us up at the Hotel and was going with us to meet the doctors and Elder Costa. While we were driving Felipe shared with us what happened after he dropped us off the night before. Felipe and Lohony (who had also just returned from a mission) shared their testimony's with Andre. Andre was so moved with the spirit he felt, by learning of Britten's miracles and every one's testimony's. He said, "I have this good feeling and I want this in my life. I want to learn more, so I can feel like this always!" My eye's welled up to hear of Andre's desire to learn more of the gospel.
We entered the Church offices and we had to show our passports at the front desk to be cleared, before they took us up to see Elder Costa. This was all so familiar as I remember so well our first visit here. We entered the front office and there was Elder Costa standing down a long hall with a huge smile on his face and his arms held out to greet us. He showed much enthusiasm to see Elder Schenk as he gave him a Huge Brazilian Hug! He welcomed each one of us the same way...even Felipe.
To sit in his office for the second time was amazing and something I never dreamed would happen. My heart was overflowing as smiles and laughter filled the room. Many stories and feelings were shared and later I wished I could have recorded the conversation. Elder Costa shared many things with us. He shared how the people in Brazil loved Elder Schenk and how his miracle had touched the lives of many.
I turned to Britten and asked, "What do you think? Are you ready to have it out there?"
We all looked at each other and decided.... maybe it's was time. Elder Costa was so excited and went
to get Alex who would be over this project.
Ozani shared with us his personal experience of Britten. He told us that they kept some news from us when we came after the accident, as they were just trying to protect us. As he continued to share with us some of the details, he got choked up and was having a hard time containing his emotions. He asked to be excused. It was so difficult for him to relive those first few days, as he was with Britten.
They got Britten transported to the Albert Einstein Hospital and Dr. Ribus examed him and ran the test on his brain. Dr. Ribus said, "I do not have good news for you. There is nothing we can do for him. He has No blood or oxygen flow to his head. He will not survive." Ozani stood there with tears running down his cheeks, just looking at us. He said, "Dr. Ribus asked President Moriera and I to sign some papers so they could take Britten's organs to be donated to others." Ozani said, "That is not our roll to make that kind of decision. His parents are coming. We need to wait for his parents. When your parents arrived here the area Presidents were fasting. I was there when your parents met with Dr. Ribus. Dr. Ribus said, "We have a different scenario now....Something happened. A miracle happened...... Ozani choked back some tears and said, "It is a miracle.....It's a miracle."
Nellys then said, "I know and believe modern day miracles happen, but I had never seen one. And now, to have witnessed one personally... is incredible." Tears, hugs, smiles and laughter were shared as we were all reminded about this beautiful miracle we had witnessed!
Ozani then took Britten around the church offices and introduced him to many. Britten told me later, "Wow, it was so crazy to have women crying and then give me a hug. I didn't know anybody and yet they all acted like they knew me." Oh course, they remembered Britten and were part of the fasting and prayers offered in his behalf.
It was so wonderful to be with Elder Costa and his staff and to feel of their love for us, as we felt the same for them.
Thank you Elder Costa, Nellys, Ozani andTelmo. It was a pleasure to spend an afternoon with you and we feel it a great privilage to know you.
We appreciate Scott's time, talent and inspiration, in putting together a video (in Portuguese) of Britten's story. You can't watch it with out feeling the spirit and shedding a tear. We also want to thank Aline Bakr and Tanner Dance for doing the Portuguese translation.
Que dia maravilhoso e inspirador. Estou acompanhado o blog dia após dia, e todas suas grandes aventuras aqui no Brasil. Que bênção poder retornar ao templo de São Paulo após esses 2 anos e meio. Que bênção e que milagre!!
ReplyDeleteSaudades. Amo vocês!
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