I had been concerned all week because our meeting starts at 9:00 am and the past 2 weeks Britten had been nauseous every morning. As Britt was trying to prepare what he wanted to say, we went over and over words that were very difficult for him to pronunciate, like...very short attention span. He also wanted to bear his testimony in Portuguese but couldn't say Heavenly Father.
When Sat. night came Britt was very emotional as he expressed to me his concerns. He said, "There are so many things I want to say, especially about Jesus Christ but I don't know how to say them. I know them in my head , but I don't know how to say the words."
I told Britten that the spirit would guide him and people would feel of his spirit and they would know how he feels about the Savior. Words weren't necessary.
Steven then gave him a blessing, a beautiful blessing. We have learned to rely on the Lord and ask for his help, even if it is small and simple things, for he is wanting to bless us.
As we entered the church at 8:30 am our dear, sweet Bishop and Stake President were there to greet us. Britten gave them his warm, missionary handshake. My heart was full of love for these two men, who have supported us and shown great love for our family. As Britten entered the Relief Society room, there sat twelve handsome Return Missionary's, radiating. The room glowed with their spirit as they greeted Britten with big smiles on their faces! They were friends who brought happiness into Britten's life, but also the lives of others, as they shared the gospel of Jesus Christ.
As I looked into the eyes of Britten's friends and their families, love filled my soul for the family ties we have made. There sat Britten's past Bishop and wife, other previous Ward members and friends dear to our heart, who have had an impact on our family. We will always have a great love for them as they have truly blessed our lives.
Then, there sat our Ward family, who have served our family so unselfishly. So many acts of service Big and small, have been showered on our family as we have felt our Savior's love, through them! The entire Chapel was full of people we love, people we call family. Brothers and sister's in the gospel of Jesus Christ. It Was A Glorious Sight!
As Britten entered the chapel and walked to the stand, his entire being glowed with the spirit. He then shook the Bishopric and Stake Presidency's hands. He was delighted to be there. As we sat there through the beautiful music and prayers, my soul absorbed the peaceful, serene spirit.
Britten did an beautiful job as words flowed from his mouth. He testified of the holy spirit, of Jesus Christ and of his love for his mission and the people of Brazil. (Britten has shared his testimony and love for Jesus Christ his entire life, through his thoughts, words and actions. He is truly a disciple of Jesus Christ.) Britten then closed his testimony in Portuguese testifying of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Britten's testimony was pure and sincere.
Britten then joined his friends to sing a most powerful song, "To Bring the World His Truth". All 13 missionary's had returned home from their service, yes, one wounded, but they ALL returned home, just like the 2000 stripling warriors! As tears filled the eyes of the congregation, (including the mothers of missionaries), they bore witness of the truthfulness of the gospel. It was magnificent!
I then bore testimony that I know God lives...I know that because we have witnessed his merciful hand in several miracles. When we left for Brazil, I Had to depend on the Lord...Now I Want to depend on the Lord.
Then Steven shared his testimony of Christ. We must not only "believe and have faith in Jesus Christ, but also, believe Jesus Christ."
The Stake President added his testimony that Heavenly Father lives...He is in charge! Our Stake President has a unique perspective of these miracles as he had many conversations with the Church leaders in Salt Lake Ciy, Brazil and also with the doctors.
The rest of the sabbath day was shared with family and friends, enjoying the spirit of the day. Five months ago our family's lives changed. Yes, there have been several difficult days, but we have grown closer to our Savior. Elder Schenk's homecoming was a most perfect, beautiful day and we give thanks to our Father in Heaven for his safe return home.
It was a Most Perfect Homecoming!
So happy this day went well!
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ReplyDeleteThank you, Schenk family for still sharing your testimonies with all of us. Think about you and your courage often. Thank you for your example. The Gordon Yost family
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad I could be a part of Britten's special day! It was definitely a sacrament meeting I will never forget. One of the best I've ever been to. I'm so grateful to your family and your wonderful testimonies that were born. Thank you for sharing some of your most sacred and treasured experiences. They truly have touched my life and strengthened my testimony. So grateful to know your amazing family! Looking forward to coming to visit again soon :)
Chelsea Jepsen
I'm soooo sad that I missed it. I sure wish my trip to HI could have been at a different time. Thanks for posting g all the pictures. It definitely sounds like it was a perfect day. I'm so glad that Brit was blessed with the words that he wanted so share. The miracles continue, constantly reminding us what a truly special person he is, and how much our Heavenly Father loves him. Love you guys so much!
ReplyDeleteLove, Stacy & Leslie
Wonderful pictures! Beautiful post- I am tearing up as I read it over and over. I wish so much that I could have been there. I am so grateful for the love of our Heavenly Father and the chances that we get in this life to experience His love first hand. The Lord is good. I love you.
Such a wonderful day!! So happy for the beautiful day together with relatives and friends, and most of all to see that he is doing so well!! I am so thankful for his wonderful missionary service here in Brazil. He was not in my area, and I haven't seen him in person, but my heart is so happy for all his service and love for where he was a service to the Lord !! May the Lord bless you all for your faith and love for serving Him as you are helping each other.
ReplyDeleteOur family has been following your blog since its birth. We are so happy to hear about Britt and his conquering spirit. I have been born with a disability and have had to conquer it as well, but nothing like Britt's accident. I was born with it and just seeing the strength of your family and of Britten as he is overcoming this challenge is wonderful to see. We, the Deaver family, are so happy to see pictures and his progress as he continues to get better. We hope to keep up with your blog and thank you for your many inspiring stories. Our brother is on a mission in Brazil and that's how we learned about this blog. We hear from Jesse, the missionary, every week and give him updates on Britten's condition. Hope that you're all well. We, as a family, know how exhausting and challenging it can be when one is sick and not doing well. Our prayers are with you continually.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing this. Your testimonies shine through. Your family is such a great example and I hope and pray for the best for you and your amazing son. My 20 year old niece, Heidi Stay had a brain injury four years ago and her recovery has been hard and a miracle at the same time. We talked about Jesus's miracles in Family Night tonight and how there are miracles happening today.We are so grateful for the gospel and our testimony of Christ.
ReplyDeleteWish we could have been there. We heard from many that it was such a perfect day, that the spirit in the meeting was so strong, and that you, Steven, and Britten spoke extremely well.
ReplyDeleteThank you again for a wonderful post!