This past week Britten has enjoyed spending time with his family as well as some of his friends. Many stories and memories have been shared. Britten has what they call "Aphasia". His Language center is what was effected, so he struggles in finding words to express himself. We know with his "therapy's" that this will get better in time, as we have already seen improvement.
Britt continues to have good and bad days. We are finding the "days" that are too long with too many visits, over stimulate the brain and he is left in bed the next couple of days with a headache. So even though he might be feeling great, he still needs plenty of rest and we have to be careful to "not over due it".
His eyes are still our biggest concern, as he only has vision in 1/4 of his left eye. He is so positive about his situation though, and if you ask him about it he will tell you, "That he has to be patient and wait, because he Knows that his eye sight will return. Britten has been blessed from a young age, with great Faith, and also a tender love for his Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
Sunday morning Elder Schenk woke up with Great Anticipation to go to church and meet with our Stake President. He was so thrilled when he put his suit and tie on for the first time in 2 1/2 months. Then when he placed his name badge "Elder Schenk" on, his face radiated with joy. We were so thrilled to be walking through the chapel doors, as many greeted him home. Our hearts were filled with the Spirit as we listened to many share their testimony's. Elder Schenk poked me and said, "Mom, will you go up there with me?" My heart skipped several beats. The thought had never crossed my mind, that he would walk up to the pulpit and bear his testimony. I had a hard time containing the tears as his older brother Logan took his arm and walked by his side up to the front of the chapel.
A short, sweet testimony was shared. The words were not perfect and He repeat himself three times. But, the message repeated was Perfect. He said, "I know that my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love me". Nothing more needed to be said. It was a pure, beautiful testimony.
After Sacrament Meeting, the Stake President came and greeted Elder Schenk. Tears filled their eyes as they embraced. The Stake President put his arm around him as they walked down the hall to his office. What a beautiful, miraculous sight we witnessed.
Our Sabbath day was a most beautiful, Holy day. The spirit filled our hearts and home with gratitude.
I would like to share a quote by Elder Schenk, that I found in his journal.
"It doesn't matter what has happened to us in the past, but rather who we are today because of what happened."
- Britten S. Schenk
Sounds like a perfect testimony!
ReplyDeleteThank you for continuing to share your story.
ReplyDeleteWhat we would have given to be in that sweet testimony meeting! How amazing. I'm sure there wasn't a dry eye in there. We too are so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father and the comfort and healing powers he offers to those who are truly humble when faced with adversity.
ReplyDeleteLots of love,
Steff & Nic
I needed that quote! The "right now" and how you react to it is what really matters. Thank you, Britten!
ReplyDeleteHome truly is wonderful. This gives a new perspective to what it will feel like when we go back to our true home- our Home with our Heavenly Father and with all of our wonderful families!
Love you so much, and still praying with all my heart!
I agree with Steff; I would have loved to have been there Sunday to hear that sweet testimony. I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus knows each one of us...loves each one of us...and will answer our prayers. I can't wait to see you all.
Laurie & Derris
... y Usted Elder Schenk es un gran hijo de nuestro Padre Celestial, le amamos, gracias por ser un gran ejemplo para cada uno de nosotros. Aprender de Ustedes es un honor y privilegio. La manera como están afrontando tan difícil situación es admirable. Su testimonio y fortaleza nos inspiran a sobrellevar con buen ánimo y fe nuestras pruebas. Sabemos con certeza que Nuestro Padre Celestial y Jesucristo viven y nos aman a cada uno de nosotros.
ReplyDeleteFa. Jave.
Thank you for sharing that! It obviously was a message that needed to be shared that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love us so much that They would do ANYTHING for us to be better! I am so happy that Elder Schenk was able to go to Church on Sunday and have that wonderful privilege of wearing that badge bearing the name of Christ! I can tell that Elder Schenk has been a wonderful missionary! I pray that he will continue to recover miraculously!
ReplyDeleteElder Schenk- You look great, you are home, and you are improving!!! I've had the feeling over and over to tell you this, that I KNOW that your eyesight WILL return! I know it! If a tiny mustard seed can move a mountain, then a LOT if faith can fix your eyes, which are a LOT smaller!!! :) What an inspiration you are to so many! I had a thought just the other day, and it totally goes with your saying Britten- I decided that I was NOT going to allow my limitations to hold me back or affect my outcomes any more! Keep slaying that dragon- you are awesome!!! Rachel Hill and Family
ReplyDeleteI know that my reedemer lives! what an example and a blessing has elder Schenk and his family been for me, a simple guy living in Colombia, South America.
ReplyDeleteSou grata ao Pai Celeste por existir um jovem tão corajoso e maravilhoso como Elder Schenk, obrigada por sua fé e testemunho, tem ajudado muinha familia a se fortalecer a cada dia que vemos seu progresso. Estamos orando por você. Familia Silva
ReplyDeleteA wonderful young man, for his love, strength, testimony, faith, and most of all the wonderful service !! thank you all for your wonderful spirit and sharing with us!! and yes we are there in prayer and faith for his even better outcome!! Love from us in Brazil!!
ReplyDeleteOh Karla, this was wonderful! Tears of gratitude my friend. You are all continually in our prayers. What a trial and what blessings await!
ReplyDeleteIt makes me so happy to see he is doing so well! We have a brother that comes home in less than 2 weeks from his mission in Brazil. (He was in the MTC with Britten before they left). I know he will be happy to hear how well he is doing also!
ReplyDelete"No unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done - by Joseph Smith" - This was the quote that came to my mind when I saw Elder Schenk picture with is name-tag on his suit.
ReplyDeleteI just read the last few posts to see how you are doing. I loved reading your testimony and it is clear you are still very much a missionary. It is great to see all the improvement you have had in your recovery and it will just keep getting better. What a great family you have!
ReplyDeleteI'm reading and following from Germany. I'm trying to learn the language whilst i'm here!! Your surname sounds very German, so I Iooked it up in the dictionary. Bare with me ... The verb schenken means 'to give' and I have reflected on this so much each time I have read, watched the video clips and looked at the photos. Elder Schenk and the rest of your family have given to us so much as you have shared with us your testimony of the Saviour and faith in our loving Heavenly Father. I am always amazed at Elder Schenk's willingness to give to everyone he meets even if it's just a smile that he can manage that day. Please know that you have given so much by sharing your experiences with us in Blogland and taking the opportunity for you all to be outstanding missionaries and examples of trust and faith! i will be a first time missionary mum in the next coming months and I hope my sons, as they serve, will be such fine young men like Elder Schenk obviously was in the field and continues to be now!! Thank you for giving!! I hope Elder Schenk has had a good week and I am waiting for the next update!! With love xx
ReplyDeleteWell, this has been a truly lifting and inspiring experience for me! So happy to know that you are at home and doing well. We continue to pray in our home that your body may be completely healed in the Lord's due time.
ReplyDeleteI just heard from a sister-in-law who lives in Utah. She is from Sao Paulo and I first met Sueli in 1973 when she married one brother and I married the other. When I first heard about Britten I sent her the blog link. She just asked me to comment for her: "I felt deeply the positive energy that flowed from everyone involved. If you have a chance would convey to them my congratulations? I was a silent observer but I was very much into praying that all would be well. And even though I know he still has a lot of healing to do, it is good to see how he pulled out of such a hard situation."
I'd love to continue seeing more posts here to keep us all in the know about your progress. May the Lord continue to bless and keep you and your family. Aunt Marianne
Elder Schenk......I too have a son serving a Mission, he is serving in Cali Colombia, South America. I have been following your blog since your accident and I have been able to see the Hand of the Lord in your recovery. You inspire me with your faith and your positive attitude......God Bless You and your family, we pray for your continued recovery. Brother Mike Kutterer
ReplyDeleteI have fallen behind on updating myself with this blog. I want to say thank you guys so much for keeping everybody updated. Your son is an amazing example to me and hundreds of thousands of others. It brings me to tears each and every time I hear another courageous thing he said. I hope Britten knows that he has changed my life right around for the better.